Sunday, October 21, 2012

Houston's Dirty Secret

Let me begin by telling you that not everything in the Internet is true. It is every other month when we read about a celebrity or person of interest that has passed away; but the story turns out to be a complete hoax.  Just the other day I read about Morgan Freedman, a beloved American actor famous for Driving Miss Daisy and The Shawshank Redemption had passed away. However the story turned out to be nothing but a complex trick from an “internet troll”. 

But the stories I am going to tell you in this blog today are real. None of the people were invented and most of the stories have credible sources that I will withhold their names for obvious reasons. The story I am going to tell you is about an incredible Houstonian whose fame and power are unprecedented in this city. The man I am speaking about if Jim “Mattress Mack” Mcingvale.

Many will see this blog as an attempt to slander or a smear a good man. However my goal is to simply deliver more transparent information about a man whose life has been completely concealed by the local media because of their advertising bias. I read somewhere that “journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations”.  I believe that local media in the City of Houston has fail to expose some secrets in the McIngvale family. 

He Really Doesn’t Save You Money
It is no secret that the Mattress Mack is a successful millionaire. His advertising deceptions have catapulted him into wealth thanks to his year round “sales”.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out his advertising deceptions. All anyone needs to do is listen to the radio and hear how he promotes his stuff.
Come on come all to the Pre-Thanksgiving Sale going on right now at GF”
            “Come on come all to the Thanksgiving Sale going on right now at GF”
“Come on come all to the After Thanksgiving Sale going on right now at GF”
“Come on come all to the After Thanksgiving Extended Sale going on right now at GF”

What I really loathe is how he incorporates any tragedy to sell his furniture. A couple of years ago after Tropical Storm Allison, Mack was running ads with fictional customers  (thanks to his Advertising Agency)! Then after September 11, 2011 Mattress Mack ran a “Shop Here To Keep The Nation Strong” campaign. I am pretty sure on the next national or local tragedy, Mack will run something with the XYZ Remembrance Sell-A-Bration Sale.

Mack’s constant advertising bombardment on Houston’s media waves does not come cheap. Gallery Furniture is probably if not one of the biggest ad buyers here in Houston. This constant bombardment of advertising hurts the bottom line for customers shopping for furniture. An inside source at Gallery Furniture has confirmed to me that the standard mark up for any product is 50% to 75%.  To put that into perspective the average markup nationwide for used cars at any given dealership is 9%.

It is the standard practice (according to my source) at Gallery Furniture to print out price tags with “Last One” and “Markdown 50%” on any given merchandise the store is selling.  These kinds of labels are misleading and borderline illegal (false advertising). The labels give to customers false facts about the products availability and trick the customer into believing it’s the last one in stock.

The bottom line is that customers at Gallery Furniture do not really save money on furniture nor does their money go to help out local business (As they clearly state in many of their current commercials). What customer really spend their hard earn money on is supporting the continuous bombardment of Gallery Furniture ads in Houston, a Austin Mansion, a Failing Business, Luxurious Suits, and much more. Do not get me wrong some money does help out local programs and an occasional business here and there but nothing to what its Advertising/ PR Company says.

So customers beware! Gallery Furniture is a high-end furniture store with soaring prices.

Working For The Man
Before I meet my source at Gallery Furniture I had heard many myths and stories about working for Mattress Mack.  A few people that used to work there used to say that Mack was the greatest boss in the world; in the other hand the majority of Gallery Furniture employees strongly disagree. I myself had my opinions of Mattress Mack. He seemed like a nice guy and the media was always portraying him as a humanitarian.  But it was not until my source had showed me a video of one of Mattress Mack’s screaming rampages at a store meeting that I truly begun to believe him.

According to him, “Mattress Mack is the biggest micro-manager (he) have ever met”.  My source stated to me that he manages every aspect of his business from the janitorial work that Mack’s sister does to the Warehouse operations to how his life is portrait by the media. Yup! you heard that right, Mattress Mack constantly watches what the media says about him, his store, and his family. Anyone in the media that doesn’t represent his brand the way he likes gets cutoff (He stops buying media, commercials, etc.  from them).  And since he is usually is the biggest buyer of air time, radio staions, newspapers, tv stations, etc. tend to skew information to Mattress Mack’s desire. A perfect example of Mattress Mack extending

But why believe me. A simple Google search about Mattess Mack and you can quickly discover forums and blogs about him and his family. a leading website for an inside look at companies, gives a 50% approval rating to Mattress McIngvale as the President and CEO of Gallery Furniture. One person gave this review:
“Extremely autocratic management style. Professionals are not allowed to do their jobs. You must become a "Yes" person or you are labeled a "non-team" player. There is no work-life balance. You must be married to the job and put family in second place to be viewed as a contributor.”


Family Bio

The following section details certain aspects about the McIngvale family life. SPOILER ALERT! This article/blog has yet to discover the truth about the rumors of Jim McIngvale’s drug past usage & money laundering to start his successful business in Houston. Rumors are that Mattress Mack was a “big time” drug dealer in Dallas and the money he made was used to start Gallery Furniture.  

Linda Mcingvale
She is the wife of Jim Mattress Mack and runs the Westside Tennis Club and manages various operations of it. She currently lives in the Westside Tennis Club with Jim Mcingvale. Sources say that she has financially supported her son’s business in Dallas. Rumor has it that she earns over 60,000 a month operating the Tennis Club.

James Mcingvale
Currently lives in Dallas TX. and owns a spray paint business. Many sources say that his business is unsuccessful and Linda Mcingvale supports him financially when times are tough.  Contrary to many people’s beliefs he is not a Catholic like his father; he has changed his religious beliefs to Judaism.
Business webpage:

Laura McIngvale Brown
Currently lives in Austin TX. She is now married to Phillip Brown who is head chef at Vince Young’s Steakhouse.  Her involvement in Gallery Furniture has increased over the years. Laura seems to be replacing her father as the face of the store as evident by the new ads. After getting in banned in High School to attend her senior prom, Laura threw a counter prom the same night her High School had theirs.  Sources say that the school lost money due to Laura’s party. She is also a avid spender like her mother.

Liz McIngvale
Liz is the youngest of the McIngvales children. She is well known for the OCD she obtained at the age of 13. She has been on the Dr. Phil Show with her father to discuss her problem. Close sources had stated to me that she constantly changes her vehicle for a new one because of her OCD.  

The End?
I know that some people will bash me for not having credible sources listed in this article. But as I stated before I am protecting the names of people because some of them are still employed by Gallery Furniture. And to the people that want me to delete this post I will do no such thing. I believe in freedom of speech! I will continue to post! Check back and subscribe!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

      I saw "Mattress Mack" in the 80's on Morton Downy show and Jim was a RACIST! He made a comment on how he wants all ILLEGALS out of this country! Yet his stores is majority Hispanics. If only I can find that taping..
      It doesn't matter how you EXPOSE him, whether its with proper English or not as long as he is transparent. Believe me, you will find several incorrect spelling in my comment, but I really don't care. If anyone can help me find those old taping of the loudmouth Morton Downy, that can lead to ruining his reputation that he tries so hard to cover up.

    3. What's wrong with wanting ILLEGALS out of the country?

    4. He sounds like another @Trump “racist rat!” They hate illegals but they still hire them because of cheap labor pay. Hypocrites!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your English is awful. Get a proofreader, it makes you look uneducated.

    1. I totally agree. Someone as slight of Grammar, Syntax and spelling is not worth his weight in salt. Grievance, perhaps??

  4. I don' t know about your " expose", but I do know you need a proofreader. Some of your statements are not intelligible. You also keep changing tenses and mangling the English language. You may be smart and informed, I don' t know, but your writing makes you look uneducated. Not mean, just FYI.

    1. Your Grammer and spelling aren't much better.

  5. Questions the credibility of the blog!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The fact that you have removed others comments causes me to wonder if anything posted is real or credible. As far as the "screaming" at his employees, I have worked in similar types of jobs. They are the boss and when things are going poorly, they lose it just like anyone else. It might not be professional, but they are the ones paying the salary. If you don't like the money you get, then go elsewhere. As far as him making money, so what. The oil industry banks billions every year after paying millions in bonuses to their CEO's and we keep paying the high gas prices. Are you going to bash them too??? Are you going to stop buying gas?? Get real. This is what makes AMERICA great. The ability and opportunity to be successful. He is definitely successful.
    I am an English Language Arts Teacher in Texas. Learn the language and the rules of writing if you really want anyone to take you seriously. My students write better than your post.

    1. Your right. Mack is my generation and its not like it was 30 years ago. I've been a manager, project director most of my life. I started as an assistant manager on 1972, and things have changed so much its disgusting. Now young people don't want to work, they want to get paid for standing around on their phones. If someone says some minor thing they run to their safe space or hire a lawyer. They want to sue to get rich over silly crap like saying get to work and gey off your phone. The first mistake is allowing them to have their phone's at work. The last time i was a general manager i had to send people home early, because they were to busy flirting or yacking on their phones, instead of doing what they get paid for. My rules are i wont have them watch me work doing their jobs, on my clock getting paid. I never asked one employee to do anything i wouldn't do. I always pitched in when we needed help. They learned their lesson, when their pay checks went down. They did their job or they didn't work many hours. Things will continue to get worse as long as we continue to let the schools along with the teacher's union indoctrinate our children and grandchildren. The idea of taking care of your self is fading fast in this country, and we have allowed it. Until parents take the time to go to school board meetings and pay attention, then crap like teaching 6 year olds they can be any sex they want. The reports i have seen in the last few month's have helped me figure out the country has lost its mind. Schools are hiding this crap from the parents and it should piss off every parent. The schools are not the parents of our kids, and have no right teaching some of this crap, unless it is approved by the parents. It wont stop until we pay attention and get involved. We also need to make sure to try to vote for the best person possible, even for school board member's. Its time to have control of what is taught and stop them from erasing history. I read that a young student told the truth about the revolutionary war and the teacher shamed him and told him to stop lying. The sad thing is he was right, the teacher was wrong or just lying to change history. It's up to us folks or we haven't seen the worse yet.

    2. First of all whoever posted this posting is a coward for not putting your name.

      Second of all
      No matter how good of a person you are there will always be HATERS looking for something hateful to say about good people.
      Jim McIngvale’s past is just that. The past and does NOT matter. He changed his life and is now a good hearted Christian and a great humanitarian. Every year he helps 1000‘s of people with FREE expensive furniture and does more for people in tragedy than ANYBODY ELSE.
      NOBODY and I repeat NOBODY does all he does for people like JIM MCINGVALE.
      Haters will always be haters.
      So talk all you want.
      But smart people will not allow these negative hateful comments affect them nor the TRUTH of who JIM MCINGVALE is and all the good that he has done in the past and continues to do today.

      PS: And for the CURRENT employees talking about Mr Jim if he is so bad WHY DO YOU STILL WORK AT HIS STORE? Hmmm something to think about......

      Also there’a difference between a Hispanic person who was born here or has papers to live and work here and an ILLEGAL PERSON WITH NEITHER. I agree 100% that all ILLEGAL immigrants need to be kicked out of our country.
      That’s the law!!! And it’s for our protection.

    3. Bravo,readingteacher!

  8. The fact that you have removed others comments causes me to wonder if anything posted is real or credible. As far as the "screaming" at his employees, I have worked in similar types of jobs. They are the boss and when things are going poorly, they lose it just like anyone else. It might not be professional, but they are the ones paying the salary. If you don't like the money you get, then go elsewhere. As far as him making money, so what. The oil industry banks billions every year after paying millions in bonuses to their CEO's and we keep paying the high gas prices. Are you going to bash them too??? Are you going to stop buying gas?? Get real. This is what makes AMERICA great. The ability and opportunity to be successful. He is definitely successful.
    I am an English Language Arts Teacher in Texas. Learn the language and the rules of writing if you really want anyone to take you seriously. My students write better than your post.

    1. Sweet! Love your post, another spoiled little brat!

  9. Wow, aside from the poor spelling & grammar, you sound like an angry competitor that got trumped and is real vindictive.
    I am sure this poorly considered post is doing you more harm than him.

  10. Wow, aside from the poor spelling & grammar, you sound like an angry competitor that got trumped and is real vindictive.
    I am sure this poorly considered post is doing you more harm than him.

  11. I worked for Mack. It was a living hell. There were so many sales meetings from morning to night I couldn't keep track. In these sales meetings we were screamed at in front of our coworkers and customers. There were charts put up with our names on them keeping track of how much furniture protector we sold to what each one of our sales were. The markup on the furniturethat was reported is correct. Some things even a higher percentage. There is no life outside of that job. We were required to be there at 10 am and if we had a customer at 10 pm we were required to stay until they were done shopping. Not allowed to take aNY break to eat. You had to eat standing up. If you were caught sitting down eating, there was hell to pay. There is so much more to say, but most people really don't care how his employees are treated. They just buy into what they think they are seeing

    1. Well, as someone who has worked since the age of 15 and works 16 hour days still, I have no pity for you and your work ethic. Get over it, snowflake.

    2. working 12 hours with out breaks is against the law. Now if he is that bad and all these years, he would have been investigated by the labor dept. And sued. That is news he couldn't hide. If snow flakes can't hold up to a real job, move back in with mommy and daddy. Go join the military and then you might learn life isn't a free ride.

  12. Although he was tough, he has a good heart and I know for a fact.......Mac helps more people, than you would ever know..........He did yell at me, but he wanted to make me a better soldier.......I respect the man, point blank. JS

  13. Poorly written blog. Hard to take you seriously. You just sound like an angry ex-employee or competitor that got crushed. Hilton is this you?

    1. haha Hilton? Did he work for Mac and steal the marketing idea?

  14. Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained!
    memory foam mattress

  15. My house is full of Gallery furniture I live off I 45 so I just stands to reason that Gallery would be Our family furniture store . Three years ago there were two empty lots across the street from my house. Gallery furniture started dumping the furniture they pick up from houses that are buying their new furniture and dump the old on these two empty lots. I live in a densely populated neighborhood .The noise from them dumping and picking up and moving around and tearing up furniture is horrendous It's seven days a week and about 18 hours a day every day . The bugs meaning bed bugs roaches and rats that come out of this furniture is so scary that it's sickening I called the city they make them clean the lots out . A week later the lots are full again I called The news they came out three times interviewed me and even followed one of the trucks To the point that the people inside the truck jumped out and left a full truck on the side of the road. However once the news reporters found out Gallery furniture was involved They stopped immediately. I can't tell you how dirty and unsanitary and disease ridden this filthy furniture is I want to move but the property values have gone down so much because of this Don't give me wrong I really like Mac and I am so grateful for what he's done for our community I just don't know what to do I cry looking across the street now and seeing this mess Please forgive me I am doing speech to text so I'm quite sure the punctuation and structure will be way off

    1. If you are grateful for the work Mac has done in the community, may I suggest you delete this nonsensical filth?

    2. You must be related to Mr. Mac or one of his puppets. Just asking for a friend...

  16. Honestly, I feel sorry for you. You clearly have a personal vendetta against the man and have not a whole lot going on to spend so much time and energy into creating an entire blog just to "take him down". This is America which means he has every right to run his company the way he wants. If he is a micro-manager, who cares? It has clearly proven to work out for him. He knows how he wants things done and makes sure they get done. He has far more experience in the his field of business then any of the people who work for him so he is an expert on what works and what doesn't. If people don't want to work for someone like that they don't have to, they can leave! It is such a shame to see you go after his family the way you did. Why is it anyone's business what his wife does with her money or how much she gets paid? If a MOTHER wants to help out her SON in anyway who are we to judge that? And if these so called sources are so upset with the way their working conditions then why do they not quit? They are making a choice to stay where they are and they shouldn't complain about a choice they are making. I have worked for Linda and she is without a doubt a tough boss. As her husband, she knows what she wants and she will make sure she will get it. I am so grateful to have worked (way) under her because she taught me skills that I have been able to use in my current position. Nobody is perfect in this world and everyone has faults. It is unfair for you to go so far out of your way to expose these peoples faults without even revealing who you are. It is easy to be big and brave behind a computer screen but it speaks to who you are as a person.

    1. You are the one who doesn't have anything going on in your life. Your response is almost as long as his and you are somehow tied to Gallery Furniture I can feel it.

    2. I'm with you, "Unknown." No clue why this person has this vendetta against this decent man, but the internet gives everyone a voice.

  17. Honestly, I feel sorry for you. You clearly have a personal vendetta against the man and have not a whole lot going on to spend so much time and energy into creating an entire blog just to "take him down". This is America which means he has every right to run his company the way he wants. If he is a micro-manager, who cares? It has clearly proven to work out for him. He knows how he wants things done and makes sure they get done. He has far more experience in the his field of business then any of the people who work for him so he is an expert on what works and what doesn't. If people don't want to work for someone like that they don't have to, they can leave! It is such a shame to see you go after his family the way you did. Why is it anyone's business what his wife does with her money or how much she gets paid? If a MOTHER wants to help out her SON in anyway who are we to judge that? And if these so called sources are so upset with the way their working conditions then why do they not quit? They are making a choice to stay where they are and they shouldn't complain about a choice they are making. I have worked for Linda and she is without a doubt a tough boss. As her husband, she knows what she wants and she will make sure she will get it. I am so grateful to have worked (way) under her because she taught me skills that I have been able to use in my current position. Nobody is perfect in this world and everyone has faults. It is unfair for you to go so far out of your way to expose these peoples faults without even revealing who you are. It is easy to be big and brave behind a computer screen but it speaks to who you are as a person.

  18. That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good luck.

  19. Mattress mac is a total a-hole and treats his employees like they are s#!t I personally heard him cussing out an older female employee called her stupid bitch repeatedly because she brought us back towards a covered area where furniture was not marked yet for sale. He saw me peek my head from around the plast cover, after he cussed this poor lady for a solid minute I couldn't belive my ears!! He saw me peek around and locked eyes. He dropped his head and walked off in shame. I looked strait at his ugly face on out way out the front door and called him an asshole directly. He is a true fraud. That poor woman said she could not report him cause she needed her job and she was getting older she needed to work. I was almost in tears for her. He is a true peice of white trash and his kids are phoney too. I'm glad you wrote this article and I feel that any negative comments come from mac and his family CLAN directly cause anyone who really knows and works for them will agree with you. The money is all the power he has and that's apparently enough to cover up the truth about his dumping nasty old furnitires and mistreatment of employees too he is an ex drug user glad he cleaned the up but he is, was and always will be WHITE TRASH.

    1. The key word here I see here is "ex". So, just a reminder that those of us who practice Christianity see the prefix "ex-" as the same thing as "forgiven" and "blessed".

    2. I think drug addiction runs in the family cause he’s son was arrested in 2015 for possession of marijuana.

  20. Mattress mac is a total a-hole and treats his employees like they are s#!t I personally heard him cussing out an older female employee called her stupid bitch repeatedly because she brought us back towards a covered area where furniture was not marked yet for sale. He saw me peek my head from around the plast cover, after he cussed this poor lady for a solid minute I couldn't belive my ears!! He saw me peek around and locked eyes. He dropped his head and walked off in shame. I looked strait at his ugly face on out way out the front door and called him an asshole directly. He is a true fraud. That poor woman said she could not report him cause she needed her job and she was getting older she needed to work. I was almost in tears for her. He is a true peice of white trash and his kids are phoney too. I'm glad you wrote this article and I feel that any negative comments come from mac and his family CLAN directly cause anyone who really knows and works for them will agree with you. The money is all the power he has and that's apparently enough to cover up the truth about his dumping nasty old furnitires and mistreatment of employees too he is an ex drug user glad he cleaned the up but he is, was and always will be WHITE TRASH.

  21. I don't know who you are but you have barely touched the surface of the real Mac. It is a violent insane existence that is smoke and mirrors and lies!

  22. I had GREAT experience at Gallery Furniture. I'm sorry you had a tough time with Mac. I'm just a customer that could see both sides of the story. I had an issue this summer, where I had to return 3 times, EVERY time I did see employees taking there break and eating a whole meal. Things maybe different now.

  23. I teach at a community college, I served in the Air Force, and I have first-hand knowledge that some people are just ignorant and/or lazy.

    I respect a person who works long hard hours to build and maintain their business.

    Every time I have been to Gallery Furniture, I have seen Jim McInvale working. That is a rarity in business. He is wealthy; he is successful. He doesn't have to be onsite. That's clear evidence of hard work, to me.

    Jim is renowned for giving folks who are down on their luck a chance. It does not surprise me a bit that some of those folks would disrespect him because he tried to teach them a work ethic. Oh, your feelings were hurt because he "yelled"? I don't even know if that was true, but maybe he was trying to help you succeed. (Feel free to insert me calling you expletives that include "dumbass" and/or "lazy" here).

  24. Not really sure what you exposed exactly, that he is bad boss, who is more worried about money than people, well that covers about half the bosses I ever worked for. That his wife has a cushy job and supports their kid, real ground breaking. That wealthy people like to spend money and use it to their advantage. Shocking. Or the real 'dirty secret' a company using advertising to change more than it's competitors.

    Most of the other stuff is barely news, much less relevant to exposing the family. I mean seriously, not loving the Texans, that is some real scum bad stuff you exposed, ditto for the daughter liking new cars, I mean damn, your sources must be some real ringers.

    And in fairness you should not have willfully skipped the part about them donating millions to local charities. Yeah they probably aren't the model family, but whose is, and more importantly, who cares ?

    If you don't like Gallery Furniture, do what most people do, don't go there. I went there once a decade ago, saw the prices, and called it a day, haven't been back.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Didn't Mattress Mack used to sell blow on the back of his moving vans?

    2. I did hear about that as well. And he had to go to schools and teach kids to not use drugs. Well clearly the message didn’t reach his own son since his son was arrested in 2015 for possession of marijuana.

  26. When the comments section starts off with about 5 "this comment has been removed by the author" in the first 2 pages, it says a lot about the author. If you're being honest about what you know of Mack, then don't delete comments. It makes you look like you're hiding something, or flat out lying.

  27. Matt the man that was his first partner back in the late 80s early 90s after they had split there partnership. He told us all about Jim mcingvale and how he cheats people. When they broke their partnership mcingvale couldn't afford to pay him and all cash so he gave him furniture. We bought a bedroom set from him out of a barn and he had pictures and all for proof of where it came from when they were in a big tent in Houston. I have never going to Gallery Furniture since I moved here in 1992 and I will never go to Gallery Furniture because they rip people off.

  28. Mac was a big time drud smuggler=dealer back in the days. He smuggled cocaine in the engine blocks of his vehicles coming from Florida. I had several face to face "dealings" with Mac

    1. As you said HE WAS and is no longer.

      And so if YOU were or are a drug addict who is worse????

      The Bible talks about people including the 12 apostles who WERE sinners and changed their lives according to GODS WORD.


    2. His son is into narcotics also



  30. Jim and his wife both don’t treat employees nice. You would think with all the humanitarian stuff they do on tv they would at least give their employees a gift card on Thanksgiving, or even an employee holiday party. But no, Linda doesn’t recognize the work her employees do.

  31. Jim mcingvale is an tactless, unprofessional, sleezy salesman.Kind of like your stereo typical used car sales man
    His furniture is god awful, tacky, outdated, gaudy and overpriced.I think all these princesses getting offended over comments about a man they have never worked for or even met are snowflakes.Butt hurt over somebody elses opinion.Toughen up lol.mattress mac is a douche and well known as one.
